Neighbourhood Development Plan
To view the submitted version of the Neighbourhood Development Plan please download the attachment.
Download the submitted version of the Neighbourhood Development Plan here
Share Your Thoughts
The form below allowed you to share your thoughts on the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan. This consulation phase has now closed. The counter shows how many times the form was accessed.
About The Neighbourhood Development Plan
The Localism Act 2011 sets out a ‘series of measures with the potential to achieve a substantial and lasting shift in power away from Central Government and towards local people’. It offers residents of an area the chance to have a say in the future development of that area, through the production of a Neighbourhood Plan . In Kilsby a Steering Group was set up in June 2014 to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan for the village up to 2029, on behalf of the Parish Council.
In August 2014, a survey questionnaire was distributed to all households to give residents the opportunity to identify the key issues, problems and aspirations to be tackled in the years ahead. Feedback from this survey, which had an excellent 76% response rate, was presented at two Open Forum sessions held in September and a paper summary of the feedback was distributed to all households in December.
A three week informal consultation was carried out in March and April 2015,which gave residents, organisations and businesses the opportunity to comment on the draft policies which will feature in the emerging Plan. There was a good response to this, with over 90% of respondents very supportive of the proposed way forward.
The Steering Group consulted statutory bodies, carried out historic and Census research, and gathered relevant information from a wide variety of sources. The Group liaised with Daventry District Council on the latest Housing Needs Survey, the results of which have fed into the draft submitted Neighbourhood Development Plan.
Information about the Steering Group’s activities and progress with the Plan have been published regularly in the Kilsby Kronickle and on the Village Website.
The Formal Public Consultation ran from Monday 18th May to noon on Tuesday 29th June 2015. All representations were considered and the draft plan revised as appropriate. The final version was submitted to Daventry District Council and has been published on their website. Their consulation period closed on 18 Sepember 2015. The next stage was the appointment of Nigel McTurk as an independent examiner. As at February 2016 Nigel's Kilsby Examination is underway.
The Independent Examiner has finished his report. Details of his recommendations have been sent to any villager who took part in the village consultation. If you would like to read a copy for yourself copy the link below into your web browser and press the here within the first paragraph.
A document showing the tracked changes between the submitted Plan and the report's recommendations has been prepared and you can request a copy by emailing the Kilsby Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group at
Next Stages in the process is that the Strategic Strategy group within Daventry District Council will prepare a Decision Statement advising which of the recommendations they agree with and their views go before the full Daventry Council on 18 May 2016. Subject to discussion of the recommended amendments at that meeting the Kilsby Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group will prepare a Referendum version of the Plan to be finalised by the middle of June 2016 . A referendum (which will include a postal vote option) of all eligible villagers will be held on 21 July 2016. A majority yes or no determines whether or not the Plan gets adopted.
JUNE 2016 - Kilsby Neighbourhood Development Plan Referendum - 21 July 2016
To download a copy to your PC please right click and select 'save target as'