Village Store Update
September 2016
The Kilsby Village Store Community Group is in the final stages of producing a business plan which will form the basis of a prospectus to distribute to the community with the purpose of laying out plans to raise money via a community share offering which will enable us to deliver a new Village Store & Post Office on the Red Lion car park site. The Group is also currently applying for grants from a variety of bodies and exploring a wide range of other fund raising activities. At present we only have one realistic option with regards to siting the shop and timescales for completing negotiations on the Red Lion car park have been complicated slightly by the pub's intended sale. The Community Group is in contact with the prospective new owners and we are confident that they will wish to work with us on this exciting community project. As regards timescales, we will endevour to publish a project plan once we have secured the land. Our emphasis is on having a new Store and Post Office in operation as soon as is practically possible. We are working closely with the Parish Council on this project and regularly report progress at the monthly meetings - at which everyone is welcome.
Steve Kettlewell - 07796 276146
August 2016
Thank you to everyone who attended the public meeting in the village hall on 29th June and the large amount of excellent suggestions and feedback received. We now have a full committee tasked with opening a new village store as soon as possible:
Chair - Steve Kettlewell
Vice Chair - Nigel Gostick
Treasurer - Peter Ayton
Secretary - Elaine Atherton
Asst. Secretary - Elaine Lester
Retail Planning - Elaine Atherton
Parish Council Liason - Liz Rochford
Fundraising Lead - Steve Kettlewell and Andrew Simpson
At the moment we are negotiating a lease on a site at the Red Lion Pub and have engaged a consultant from the Plunkett Foundation to guide us through the decision making process.
What can you do ?​​
Follow this website
Join the Facebook group (Imminent!)
Email so that we can add your name to the mailing list for updates
Watch out for the article in the next Kilsby Kronickle
Contact any of the committee members with any ideas that you may have so that we can add them to the agenda for the next Community Group meeting
Attend the next Parish Council meeting for regular updates to Councillors.