Some of our Activities so far
Kilsby Neighbourhood Development Plan
Leaflet which was sent out during the informal consultation process. Click here to see a PDF of the leaflet
Results from the informal public consultation
80 responses were received to the leaflet setting out the draft Objectives, Policies and Plans.
These represented the view of 114 villagers (many were joint responses) of which only two totally disagreed with the proposals, with a further three people having some reservations (in terms of the proposal to restrict housing development during the life of the Plan to within the existing settlement boundary), with the suggestion made that there should be some small clusters of development outside the village boundary). The other 109 (95.6%) expressed support or strong support for the proposals
Comments made on the proposals included:
Concerns over parking in village streets and the need to specify more parking spaces per property for new developments;
General support for traffic calming measures but concerns that these could result in an increase in signage and street furniture which would detract from the appearance of the village;
Some reservations about proposed 20 mph speed limit
The need to enforce existing speed restrictions.
Concern over the state of pavements;
Particular support for cycle and footpath proposals;
Particular support for the provision of medical facilities in the village;
Suggestion that sports facilities for adults needed;
Support for the protection of green spaces and trees, and suggestion for creation of ‘pocket park’;
Support for keeping existing village boundaries;
Need for more adventure equipment in the recreation ground;
Need to be more explicit about the future of the Village Hall;
Suggestion for pedestrian or island crossing for the A5;
Need for evening and weekend buses now;
Need for a footpath down Barby Road.
Steering Group Meetings
In Kilsby a Steering Group was set up in June 2014 to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan for the village up to 2029, on behalf of the Parish Council.
Minutes from the meetings can be found below;
Calendar and Events to Date
Kilsby Neighbourhood Plan
April 28 2015
April 13 2015
March 9 2015
February 24 2015
January 27 2015
January 6 2015
November 26 2014
October 29 2014
October 10 2014
September 16 2014
September 03 2014
August 14 2014
July 29 2014
July 21 2014
July 15 2014
July 3 2014
June 16 2014